Sunday 5 May 2013

Friday 19 April 2013

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Document (5) some images

There is nothing I can write about....I have been just struggling 
making handmade books. I tried to make big accordion type of book for March but it doesn't look very good so I still need to find different way.

Friday 29 March 2013

Document (4) some images

It wasn't successful but I tried to make 
a hard cover type of book for March and April.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Degree show document (3) making boxes

* Making boxes

I am making handmade book for each month and different type books.

I made 4-holes Japanese binding for November and December.
then January and February, I made small accordion type books
for each days. So I decided to practice to make boxes for the small books.

the biggest box is for 366days photo project

small accordion books

white books/ November and December

Friday 1 March 2013

Degree show document (2) 12images a day

*12images a day.

As you can see, I take a photo just normal daily actions everyday. When I started this project I was going to do just 3or 5images per day but it was quite difficult to express my unexciting life. So I generally take more than 12images before doing action or press shutter when I found simple scene of beauty in daily life.

*print on drawing paper and handmade book

Now I use digital camera but for some reasons I still like photo printed on paper, especially mat type paper and with border.
I was experimenting over last summer using just normal EPSON home printer because the project will be big part of my daily action(life) so I needed to make it simple and easy to continue.

 It was quite difficult to make a decision but I stopped using photo paper because i found that any type of photographic paper  is not  my taste but it was quite difficult to make decision as my background is photography and have been working related with photograph for a long time when I was in Tokyo. so I think I had strange preconception unconsciously.
But now… I am in Edinburgh and a student, I should do whatever I want to try so I tried to use normal drawing paper, also simply, I just like paper as material. Then I decided to make handmade book each month.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Degree show document (1) recording daily action

"What did I do today?"

My work  is inspired by ordinary aspects of daily life and our memories of these experiences.
I wanted to record my daily actions and everyday simple scenes of beauty so kept a diary and took photographs of them.The idea of this project came from my last project  "My daily commitment 366 days". (I went to the meadow park everydayand take the Arthurt's seat from the same point and same time over one year. )Over this project, I became interested in time in our everyday life and to keep something every single days.

So in my diary, obviously, I had to write "9am~ morning photo"(I named the action for myself).
I need to explain about  my diary because it might be a bit different from just common diary people think.  I write just actions I did at the day then add simple comments about it, and what I thought. In addition, I make a note of interesting ideas come up to my mind, it's all in a chronological time.

Then I sometimes try to read the past diaries intentionally.That made me think about human's memory.I sometimes can't remember what I have done in the morning at the day. Not only that, I found that even if I had a really bad day, I can't remember the details and  why I felt that way, it means that it might be just a small thing or I do not need to remember. However, on the other hand, it can be said that I always miss a chance to learn lesson from the experiences and do the same things again and again in my life.

While I was thinking sort of things through the diaries, I just thought that if there were some photographs in the diary, my memories would recall vividly, even if the photographs look nothing special, it would help to recall my memories and might be very interesting.
 So I decided to try the new project for my final show.